Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Term 2

Hi everyone,
Welcome back to term 2.  It is lovely to see the children refreshed and keen to learn.  This term our inquiry's  big idea is, 'When we play we are healthy and well'.  We will look at how our choices impact on us and others and learn about how play helps us to be well.  Today we played a ball game and reflected on how it made us felt.  Also we reflected on what went well and what didn't go so well.  Over the next couple of days we will look at why things go well and why things don't go so well when we are playing.  Also we are learning the months of the year.  It would be helpful if you talk about these with your child.
Here we are playing our ball game.

 We are throwing a ball to the opposite person in our circle.  Then they throw it to one of the people opposite them. We keep doing this until everyone has had a turn. We keep repeating this throwing pattern.  More balls are added into the circle.

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